Blog. The word makes me simultaneously cringe and giggle. In 1999 when that Peterme guy came up with this spectacular addition to our vernacular, there were only a few thousand web logs in existence. Today there are approximately 160 bajillion blogs in the whole webiverse. There are no less than 6 million sites with top tips on exactly what not to do as a new blogger, and at least 36.7 percent of those mention something about finding your niche and becoming a sort of guru to build an audience. I am not going to follow that advice.
Why? Ideas. So many ideas. When I started logging all the blog concepts I would think of on little squares of Panda poo paper, the mister pointed out it might be easier if I actually just started writing for real, on the interwebs. Scary. I immediately thought of when I learned to ski. A grown woman in a sea of tiny little kids, on the bunny slopes while the rest of my friends headed for the double black diamond runs. I was nearly incapacitated by fear and embarrassment. When the ski instructor pushed me down to show me “how to fall,” I nearly left the lesson. The other kids snickered, but then when I successfully mastered the ski lift, applause broke out. So, I kind of feel like that in starting this journey. I am going to write here whatever I want to say. It could be about anything, like where to spot an Oarfish or the best salsa recipe I’ve ever made, or tips for travelling to Sardinia with a family, or living abroad, or how to rock your kid’s hat for a photo shoot. Who knows what will come out of my mouth next? With any luck, a few people might clap once I get the hang of it.
Before you roll your eyes and hop over to the well-constructed and engaging Her Bad Mother, Design Sponge, or Geekologie, let me sling out my elevator pitch. In today’s überconnected world, you’ve scheduled the spontaneity right out of your life. But spontaneous action can help keep you fit, mentally and emotionally. So, consider popping in here to Whatever I Want to Say an exercise for your metaphysical well-being. It’s like hitting the gym, but way less sweaty.
And I will be funny-ish most of the time. Because laughter is also healthy.
*All cited statistics are mostly (in)accurate. I looked them up on the interwebs. Source: